Monday, April 11, 2005

Stage four of project "Super Computer"

Posted by Hello
Not only is a CD Burner important, but having plenty
of front USB ports definately wont hurt. I bought this
nifty little contraption awhile back just to enhance my
super computer a bit.
52x CD-R/RW
4 port usb 2.0 front panel

Sunday, April 10, 2005

It aint over yet this case got hidden goods

Posted by Hello
Thats right a cheap case but look at this little
treat I found inside the case. I was truly en
lightend when this added bonus was brough
t to my suprise. Its always good to have ma
d cpu cone technology to keep things plenty

Stage three of project "Super Computer"

Posted by Hello
So what you think. A sleak and simple case thats
gets the job done for only 49 bucs at fry's. The in
side is roomy with only three 5 1/4 bays and 2 ha
rddrive bays. I only plan on one hardrive so its pl

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Who is this guy you ask. Its the seagate jokester
This one of kind guy is always around, along
with his hardrive, to make you smile when
your down and depressed. Hes a humble guy
whos sole purpose is to cheer you up.
Thank you seagate jokester. And god bless

da seagate jokester