Want power go Antec
so I had to top my last power supply
wich was an Enermax 420 watter.
Super computer 2 is going to be my
server computer housing a dual
This drive seemed to have a
quicker response when loading
a game cd compared to Super
computer 1 drive when I tested
it. I seen LITEON drives here
and there but never really gave it a
thought since a cdrom is just a cdrom.
CD-R (Write) 7,800 KB/sec
CD-R (ReWrite) 4,800 KB/sec
CD-ROM(Read) 7,800 KB/sec
2MB cache
The manufacture date was in april
2005 so it hadn't been sitting on
the shelf for to long compared to
UPDATE! I forgot to mention. I
purchased this drive at Wal-Mart.
Hell if Wal-Mart sold every piece
I needed to build a computer I wo-
uld just go there. With the current
gas price gouge I have to cut back
on even a 15 minute drive to fry's