Thursday, July 07, 2005

Does dual channel mode make a difference in gaming?

I just purchased my second gig stick of OCZ value ram to
finaly complete my super system. I started it up. It dis-
played single channel for my ram. No big deal I thought.
Then I loaded up Battlefield 2 it took almost 3 minutes to
load a map. Ok it says it may take awhile cause it prepar-
es the video for the first time and all that.
After I played a few rounds of Battlefield 2 I decided to reco-
nfigure my ram to dual channel mode because it was lingeri-
ng around the back of my mind that my ram should be set up
Loading up 4 different Bf2 maps with 25 players each time,
the load time went from 3 minutes down to 1 minutes and
16 seconds each time consistantly.


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